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Academic Year 2014 – 2015

1. ‘Management is the force which leads, guides and directs an organization in the accomplishment of pre-determined objectives’. Do you agree or disagree? Justify.
2. Management is regarded as an art by someone, science by others but in reality science should have many more. The truth seems to be somewhere in between. In the light of this statement, explain to exact nature of management.
3. ‘The job of the supervisor is many more difficult than that of higher level managers’. Explain the major responsibilities of a supervisor in an agro based Industry.
4. “A good leader is not necessarily a good manager”. Take one example from service industry as per your choice and compare the role of leaders and managers.

1. Describe “The evolution of retail in India' in your words, highlighting the latest trends in Indian retail. Critically examine the future of Indian retailing if global players are allowed to enter India.
2. Many marketers have tried and failed with "Green marketing" programs. Identify and describe the main problems with such campaigns. Recommend suitable remedies to overcome the problems.
3. Identify tope three advertising agencies in India, and describe the main reasons for their success. List out recent successful campaigns of these agencies.
4. In today’s India the growth of online marketing is going with upward trend. Discuss the Pros. & Cons. Which segment of consumers and what kind of products dominates online marketing

1. Select an organistion of your choice and discuss the cash Management system in that organization. Give your Views or suggestions on the prevailing system of cash management in that organization and any suitable changes to be brought about, to improve the present system.
2. Discuss the critical decisions that you need to take in working capital management. Emphasize the important ways in which these decisions differ from those concerned with the management of the fixed capital of a business.
3. “High dividend payout ratio goes in hand with high price earnings ratio and low dividend payout ratio goes hand in hand with low price earnings ratio.” Comment your views on this statement elobrately.
4. Identify the macro factors which are prevailing in the global economy, leading to mergers and acquisitions.

1. An advertisement is issued giving essential qualifications for MBA programmes, the last date for receipt of application, and fee to be enclosed with the application. A clerk in the admission office checks the received applications to see if mark sheet and fee are enclosed and sends valid applications to the concerned academic department. The department checks the application in detail and decides the applicants to be admitted, those to be put in the waiting list, and those to be rejected. Appropriate letters are sent to the admission office which intimates the applicant.
A. Design DFDs corresponding to the above problem.
B. Draw the Enhanced-ER diagram for the admission procedure in university showing all entities, relationship, aggregation, generalization, and specialization)
C. Create normalized tables till 3NF.
2. What do you mean by PL/SQL . What are the advantages of PL/SQL over SQL. Explain the functions of control loops with examples.
3. Consider the following relations:
Employee(Employee-Name, Company-Name, Dept, Salary)
Write SQL for the following:
a) Find the total salary of each company
b) Find the employee name who is getting lowest salary
c) Find the company name which has lowest average salary
d) Find the employee name whose salary is higher than average salary of XYZ.
e) List all the employees whose name starts with the letter ‘L’
f) Find the maximum salary given to employees working in ‘accounts’ department
g) Find the second maximum salary from the table
4. Create a procedure that deletes rows from the employee table. It should accept 1 parameter, job; only delete the employee’s with that job. Display how many employees were deleted. Write a PL/SQL block to invoke the procedure. Change the above procedure so that it returns the number of employees removed via an OUT parameter. Write a PL/SQL block to invoke the procedure and display how many employees were deleted.

1. “HR Managers should have a seat at the Strategic-Management table, but only when they earn it”. Discuss.
2. Suppose a key employee has just resigned and you are the department manager. After you have sent your request for replacement, how could you help the recruiter to find the best replacement?
3. Suppose you are going to design a training programme for newly hired first-line sales managers results from the needs assessment indicate that they will need training on company policies and procedures, handling customer complaints, and motivating sales personnel. What learning principles will you build into the programme? What training methods would you choose? Explain your choices.
4. A growing number of employees are reluctant to accept overseas assignments. Why do they refuse? What benefits and services would you offer to them to accept such transfer?

1. “Different models of decision makers have been proposed to explain their behavior in decision making process; some suggest complete rationality, others suggest bounded rationality”. Describe these models and show how they contribute to arrive at a decision.
2. “In designing structure for information systems, a variety of forms can be used”. Discuss these forms and the situations in which each of these can be used effectively.
3. Draw an interface matrix between following application areas establishing all sub modules in that application. Personnel, finance & production.
4. In managing the business of a restaurant, What are some decision that must be made in the areas of Strategic planning, managerial control, operational control?

1. “An important goal of controlled software management is clear delineation of responsibility and mechanisms for accountability” – Discuss elaborately an organization’s process implementation.
2. An organization that lacks a significant level of automation is unlikely to have a truly mature process. Evaluate an organization’s automation level.
3. The project uses measurable and prioritized goals for managing the quality of its software products such as, functionality, reliability, maintainability ad usability. Discuss in detail.
4. “The activities for quantitative process management review with the project manager on both a periodic and event driven basis” – Discuss

1. Before extending credit, ascertaining and analyzing the credit worthiness of customers is an important and difficult task. Comment your views.
2. A branch or business segment that shows negative operating income should be shutdown. Do you agree or not? Justify your views for and against.
3. X is the owner of Cafe at Delhi University, is trying to decide whether to make pizza or buy them from a supplier Super Narula, in Delhi. X has come to you for advice. What factors would you tell him to consider in making his choice?
4. You are required to collect the balance sheets of your company or any other company for past three years and analyze the trends in working capital. What do these trends indicate?

Academic Year 2014 - 2015

1. “HR Managers should have a seat at the Strategic-Management table, but only when they earn it”. Discuss.
2. Suppose a key employee has just resigned and you are the department manager. After you have sent your request for replacement, how could you help the recruiter to find the best replacement?
3. Suppose you are going to design a training programme for newly hired first-line sales managers results from the needs assessment indicate that they will need training on company policies and procedures, handling customer complaints, and motivating sales personnel. What learning principals will you build into the programme? What training methods would you choose? Explain your choices.
4. A growing number of employees are reluctant to accept overseas assignments. Why do they refuse? What benefits and services would you offer to them to accept such transfer?

1. Describe “The evolution of retail in India' in your words, highlighting the latest trends in Indian retail. Critically examine the future of Indian retailing if global players are allowed to enter India.
2. Many marketers have tried and failed with "Green marketing" programs. Identify and describe the main problems with such campaigns. Recommend suitable remedies to overcome the problems.
3. Identify tope three advertising agencies in India, and describe the main reasons for their success. List out recent successful campaigns of these agencies.
4. In today’s India the growth of online marketing is going with upward trend. Discuss the Pros. & Cons. Which segment of consumers and what kind of products dominates online marketing.

1. Select an organistion of your choice and discuss the cash Management system in that organization. Give your Views or suggestions on the prevailing system of cash management in that organization and any suitable changes to be brought about, to improve the present system.
2. Discuss the critical decisions that you need to take in working capital management. Emphasize the important ways in which these decisions differ from those concerned with the management of the fixed capital of a business.
3. “High dividend payout ratio goes in hand with high price earnings ratio and low dividend payout ratio goes hand in hand with low price earnings ratio.” Comment your views on this statement elobrately.
4. Identify the macro factors which are prevailing in the global economy, leading to mergers and acquisitions.

1. Give a specimen of GANTT CHART which is normally used in the production planning and control department and describe briefly how it could be used for checking the actual progress of a job against the schedule.
2. Discuss the functions of purchasing department in an Industry. Explain some methods of purchasing commonly adopted in an Industrial Purchasing. Why should the purchasing documents be legally sound?
3. In estimating the standard time of a job what different elements are considered? Elucidate.
4. JIT helps the manufacturing system to improve productivity and discuss whether this concept is applicable in Pharma industry with suitable justification.

1. As a manager of a leading International company, how would you handle the balance of payment in international trade? Point out the realistic difficulties in international trade.
2. Analysis of India’s Exports Trends in Indian Foreign Trade Export is effective compared to other Asian Countries". Prepare a report on the International trade.
3. Take an international company with which you are familiar, and show how they do their business and explain the problems they may face during the international business?
4. Elaborate the kinds of skills do managers learn from International business, and how can the company benefit from them. What is the role of international marketing in the company’s global competitor situation?

1. Suggest the guidelines for measuring the technical feasibility and financial viability of new project in any reputed organisation.
2. A client has approached you with a request for preparing a ‘project feasibility report’ for setting up a cosmetic product factory near the capital of the country. What type of data will you collect and analyze for submitting an honest and neutral report.
3. “Entrepreneurs are evolved due to environmental pressures” – Discuss
4. Bring out the role of SSI’s in the economic development of India. Explain the problems faced by SSI in the country.


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